My doctor just quit private practice. I asked her why and she said that with the downturn in the economy she lost 30% of her patients so she was shutting down.
I asked her how much it would be for a doctor's visit if she went cash only. She said $50.00 which is the same amount my chiropractor charges for an adjustment for cash only. This seems rather reasonable considering I pay $25 deductible with my insurance.
But in reality $50.00 can be a better deal for the doctor, since she gets it cash up front and doesn't need to wait to get paid or worry about billing codes or have staff to handle that.
We discussed how health insurance was now more like catastrophic insurance, very expensive one too. It wasn't health insurance, it was hospitalization/accident insurance.
And Mike Huckabee compares it to house insurance (see previous blog).
I can't believe that there are people who don't see the need to reform health care and the importance of 'Obamacare.'
Interesting quote from a NYT article “You have to have a diagnosis to get paid.” The quote is a psychiatrist explaining why he makes his diagnosis on the first session. The article is called "Talk doesn't Pay."