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Kindle Paperwhite 3G, a crippled device

In my quest to find a good e-reader that beats my iPhone, I've tried a Nexus 7, a Kindle 3G Keyboard and a now a Kindle Paperwhite 3G. By far the most useless device is the last.

I could write a long review but there is no need. A Kindle Paperwhite 3G is the same machine as the Kindle Paperwhite WiFi, except $60 more expensive. The 3G is limited only to and your own books. It's miniscule 2GB storage means you have to be connected to a network if you have a lot of files.

The Paperwhite also removes features the previous Kindle had, like an MP3 player, a headphone slot or the ability to read text to you (if allowed by the publisher/author). The storage is reduced from a previous 4GB to now 2GB. Though that would be plenty for most people. It also lacks speakers but that's a feature I don't miss, since the speakers weren't great to begin with. The device is much much sharper and brighter than the Kindle 3G Keyboard, but it is comparable to the Nook Glo (though the Kindle Paperwhite is slightly sharper).

The Kindle Paperwhite WiFi, is likely a better machine (certainly better priced) than the Kindle Paperwhite 3G but still my recommendation is for the Nook Simple Touch, which is somehow sharper than the Kindle Keyboard and cheap. The Nook has expandable memory with a Micro SD card slot, Kindles do not. And the nook can be rooted as well. I'm hoping they put it on sale this Black Friday like they did the last to snatch one up.


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