In my time in government, I've worked on modernizing legacy systems. Though not all legacy systems are worth modernizing, I've found a few "classic" languages in the process that are not the ones you'd expect. All these "classic" languages share a few things: They're all proprietary. They all had or have enterprise support They all have outdated UI (user interface) elements reminiscent of the '90s. Microsoft's (Visual) FoxPro License: Proprietary Latest Release: 2007 Top on these languages I've encountered is FoxPro, a language that is unsupported now, but was back in the '90s a good language. It was bought by Microsoft and that gave it a sense of enterprise support. I encountered this language at the Environmental Quality Board in Puerto Rico, where there were two "programmers" in this language and a system running on it. The environmental complaints/issues ticketing system had been modernized not too lo...
© David Acevedo