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Showing posts from February, 2014

Google buses Good

I've been seeing a lot of bad press for the google buses that ferry people out of San Francisco into the Mountain View Google campus. While I think using the public bus stops might be a problem for other reasons. I think the buses are good overall. Check this comment from Slashdot : "The Director of Sustainability for New York's MTA is calling out Google, Apple, and Yahoo for 'deliberately' building their campuses away from public amenities like restaurants, and public transportation. 'With very few honorable exceptions like Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, who recently moved his company headquarters from suburban Henderson to downtown Las Vegas, tech companies seem not to have gotten the memo that suburbs are old and bad news,' he writes. Instead of launching their own bus services to ferry people from the city to their campuses, as the tech companies have done, the Googles and Apples of the world should 'locate themselves in existing urban communitie