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Dangers of Over the Air Updates - Hyundai Kona 2023 power steering

Two days ago I did the Over the Air (OTA) update for my new Hyundai Electric Kona 2023. It was weird so see how much changed (many of the changes not listed at all on the update documentation) but either they altered how the power-steering works or the update turned power steering off. They car is a lot harder to drive now, and it feels like a different car (one which I would not have bought). So while the radio became much better, the danger of OTA updates is that now you may change the profile of the car so much it's a different product. 
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Great Audiobooks (list only)

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What Medieval Economics can teach us about tariffs.

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Fixing Autocomplete in Github's Atom Text Editor for Ruby

I really like Github's  Atom Text Editor . I really like that it's multi-platform allowing me to master one set of skills that is transferable to all platforms and all machines.  On thing that just burns me of the default set-up in Atom is the Autocomplete feature that seems to change my words as a type them. Because Ruby uses the end of line as a terminus for a statement you usually finish a word with pressing the return button and you get really annoying changes to your finished typed word a la MS Word. I find myself yelling "No that's not what I wrote!" at the screen in busy coffee shops. I disabled autocomplete for a while but it is a very useful function. Then I found out they changed the package that gave the autocomplete to a new one called "Autocomplete Plus" that gives you more options. All that I needed to change to make autocomplete sane again: 1. Open Atom's Preferences 2. Search the bundled packages for " Autocomplete Plus ...